Thursday, February 25, 2010

A winning attitude

Let me tell you a story, about Mrs. Jones! She hesitated to choose happiness and now her life is falling apart and she doesn’t know what to do.

You’d be surprise how many unhappy thoughts creep into your mind on a daily basis. Your mind and body is forever linked. Your brain chemicals respond directly to your thoughts, whether positive or negative.

Experience shows that by choosing to be happy, you not only increase the value of your life, but you positively affect those around you as well. Why choose to be happy? Why not? Tomorrow will take care of itself! Life is so short. I’d rather spent my time being happy, live longer, and have fun doing it.

It takes just as much time and energy to be unhappy. So why on earth be unhappy, when you can rather spend your time being happy?

Henry Ford said: Obstacles happen when you take your eyes off your goal

Although the concept sounds easy enough, it takes commitment and practice to be happy. It is important to set goals yourself. Something to work towards is important. Everything in life is about attitude. You may have the best education, but if you do not have a winning attitude, you won’t get far.

If you allow negativity a foothold in your life, you allow events to control your life instead of you controlling events. That is the exact moment stress settles in, and like a thief, steals all your happiness and joy.

The next stress management workshop is on the 27th of March 2010. Don’t forget to bully a friend into tagging along! (grin) Who knows you might be the next one to get your seat free.

Happy dreaming!